Carolyn Clark on ‘Three Centuries of Shops and Trades in Hackney Central, focusing on Church Street/Mare Street/The Narrow Way’ – Part Two; Victorian era to the 1980s.
Working on the Hackney Time Travel programme with Hackney Historic Buildings Trust in 2022, Alison Palmer, Carolyn Clark and other volunteers have researched every building in Mare Street and its Narrow Way (formerly Church Street), the main retail area in Hackney. They will tell the story of the shops and trades and what has changed, or stayed the same, over 300 years. Richly illustrated, this will be a fascinating journey over time along Hackney’s historic shopping centre.
This part focuses on shops and trades in the Victorian era to the 1980s and will be presented by Carolyn Clark, author of The Shoreditch Tales, The Lower Clapton Tales and The East End Canal Tales.
The talk will be held at Hackney Archives. Free Entry, but please register soon via Eventbrite “Hackney History Events” , because space is limited.
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1-31 March 2024 WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH in East London see:
http://Womens History Month 2024
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 16th April – FoHA Hackney History talk: Liz Rushen The enigmatic John Marshall of Hackney
Friday 10th May to Sunday 12th May – Hackney History Festival