*Please note our new Subscription Rates from 2024*
New Members
The Annual Subscription to the Friends is £20 (plus £5 for each additional member at the same address), and £35 sterling overseas. The subscription year is January to December.
Please provide the following membership information (this will not be shared with others):
Email address
Contact telephone no.
Send by email to: hackneyhistory@gmail.com
or by post to the address below
Pay by Bank Transfer
Do consider paying by Standing Order, to save having to remember to renew!
Account Name: Friends of Hackney Archives
Account No.: 01210815
Sort Code: 40-02-17
or Pay by Cheque
Please make cheques payable to `Friends of Hackney Archives’ and send to:
FoHA Treasurer
140 Overton Drive
E11 2LP
In addition we would be most grateful if you are prepared to Gift Aid your subscription by completing a
FoHA Gift Aid form. Click to download the form.
Membership Renewals for 2024
Please pay by one of the above methods. Let us know if there are any changes to your contact details.
For any queries please email: hackneyhistory@gmail.com
Charity No. 1074493