Added on March 26, 2020 Category

Hackney History – Horrid Hackney – Hackney Archives – Black History Season – Hackney Museum

Hackney Council have announced the closure for the time being of the Archives and Museum. Check their websites for updates.

In the interim we suggest you catch up on your reading and have a look particularly at our History Online and Further Reading pages; the Layers of London website; and the Hackney Archives’ new Catalogue

Lucy Madison has launched a new `Horrid Hackney‘ website –

Sean Gubbins’ webinar “Hackney’s History on Layers of London” has been made available by Layers of London on YouTube at

Sean Gubbins of Walk Hackney ( and Friends of Hackney Archives (, introduces the history of the area and tells us what makes Hackney so distinct.
Wendy Forrest commented: He does a brilliant overview of Hackney’s history making clear sense of something so rich that it’s difficult to know where to start. Informed answers to questions all offered instantly. I found myself cheering along at some points and learning new stuff at others. Sean expertly confirmed Hackney as better than the rest. Do take a look if you haven’t already caught it.

Hackney Archives

Hackney Archives have launched #Archives30 over on their Twitter account to showcase some of their brilliant collections and reminisce on their great partnerships and events. Follow them on Twitter at @ArchivesHackney
Remote enquiries are being answered with a limited service.

`Black History Season’ is launched in October. This will include a new Hackney Black History Map which will help residents complete self-guided or specially-led walks as part of the borough’s annual Black History season, for details on this and other themes and activities:

Home learning from Hackney Museum 

Legacies of African enslavement in Hackney

Watch this film produced by Hackney Museum, which explains the legacies of Hackney’s historical link to transatlantic slavery. It tells the stories of people involved in the business of slavery in Hackney as well as those, both in the Caribbean and the UK, who fought to end African enslavement. You can also hear conversations from local people in this short film on their thoughts and experiences.

Hear My Voice
In this film, Hackney residents discuss the slave trade and colonialism, the legacy of enslavement and the importance of teaching African and Caribbean History. They address the repercussions of enslavement on society today, and the need to find a unified voice to speak for Hackney’s African and Caribbean communities.

This film was made for the Abolition 07 exhibition (March to June 2007), which commemorated the bicentenary of the abolishment of the transatlantic slave trade by the UK Parliament.

Childrens’ Activities
Hackney Museum have uploaded some engaging activities for toddlers using resources from their archives. Visit the Council’s website and download the home learning activities for toddlers page to embark on some educational adventures with the museum’s best bits

We have worked with local teachers to design some activities for KS1 and KS2 pupils and their families to do at home, inspired by Hackney Museum’s collections and previous exhibitions:

Children, parents, carers and teachers, we’d love to see what you come up with, and hear your feedback on these resources – please email us at or find us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.