Historic Built Environment
The Hackney Society aims to conserve Hackney’s unique heritage of built and natural environments, by promoting good design and planning. They have numerous publications on aspects of the built historic environment, and produce a regular newsletter. In addition to its many useful publications, the society provides a `Photographic survey’ and brief written descriptions of all the nationally designated Listed Buildings in Hackney.
Formal `Listed Building descriptions’ are provided by Hackney Council’s Conservation section.
`Love Local Landmarks’ lists all Hackney’s locally listed buildings, with photographs, description, and location map.
`Conservation Areas’ are mapped and described by Hackney Council, with detailed descriptions, including historical evidence, in each Conservation Area Appraisal.
Hackney has many `local history plaques’ relating to local people and places.
The Building Exploratory is a Hackney-based organisation aiming to educate people of all ages in the appreciation of the historic environment. Their website includes `My Haggerston’ with all the listed buildings in Haggerston illustrated, and resources for teachers to interpret this.
The Hackney Historic Buildings Trust has been involved in repairing and restoring historic buildings throughout Hackney. It actively manages the Round Chapel and St Augustine’s Tower.
Abney Park Trust support Abney Park Cemetery, now managed by Hackney Council, and promote interest in the cemetery and volunteering there.
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