Added on July 31, 2017 Category Past Events

Friends of Hackney Archives ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2017

Wednesday 8th November at 6.00 pm


1. Minutes of AGM for 2016
2. Chair’s report
3. Presentation of accounts
4. Principal archivist’s report
5. Election of officers and committee
6. Any other business

The Meeting will be followed by refreshments, and at 7.00 pm a talk:

Dr Michael Passmore:

Tracing the Legacy of the Homes for Heroes Campaign, 1919–23

How the Metropolitan Boroughs that formed modern Hackney responded to the post-World War 1 housing crisis, under the Addison Act of 1919, which was the first experiment in subsidised council housing in Britain. How did they compare to other authorities, and what was their legacy? Are there lessons to be learned today?

at CLR James Library & Hackney Archives
Dalston Square E8 3BQ

Free entry – Please book with Eventbrite